Major Fundraising Numero Uno


I can’t believe that we are less than one week away from the first fundraising event for my TNT San Diego Rock ‘N’ Roll Marathon!  I am getting excited for it!!!!  Let me first say that this would not be possible without my mom and sister!  I have not been able to spear-head the major planning functions since I am on the West Coast and they have been AMAZING at getting so many things together and lined up!  I cannot wait for it to go well for all of us (but honestly, I feel the praise and thanks should go to them for doing all of this to help me)!!!!!!

Before I jump right into the details, I REALLY want to take a minute to let you know that I want everyone to come to celebrate with Annie!  She just got her results back and she is CANCER FREE!!!!!  So don’t hold back!  Let’s celebrate and have a great time together!!!!!

Without further adieu, here are the details surrounding our major fundraising numero uno ::

Friday, April 23; 6-8pm :: VIP Happy Hour and Silent Auction @ Bar Louie, Newport to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training.

This evening will be in honor of our amazing friend, Annie Varland.  We are raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society by training for the San Diego Rock ‘N Roll Marathon.  Every dollar that we raise goes toward helping patients and their families currently fighting blood cancers.  We need your help!

Pre-Registering for this event is preferred as a headcount is required to Bar Louie by 4/21 :: Please click here to pre-register.

Pre-Registering costs a minimum* of $15 and includes:
~ $5 donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
~ 2 drinks of your choice (martinis, draft beer, domestic bottles, house wine)
~ appetizers
~ admission to the silent auction**

Registering at the door costs a minimum* of $20 and includes:

~ $10 donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
~ 2 drinks of your choice (martinis, draft beer, domestic bottles, house wine)
~ appetizers
~ admission to the silent auction**

*Any donation made in addition to the minimum costs go directly to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

**If you would like to donate an item to the silent auction, please contact Jimae Wilson directly at

Thank you for your continued love and support!!!!



New Shoes!!!

Well, most of you know just how important shoes are to me – and if you don’t, today is your lucky day to find out!!!

I LOVE SHOES!  My mom used to call me Emelda (google it, and see what she’s famous for, but I’m sure you can figure it out on your own) …  usually at any given time I had a little more than 100 pairs of shoes … Now, I do admit that I’ve dropped down to about 40 good pairs, and most of them are just plain cute.  But there are a select few that I have purchased to do a specific job; hiking boots, climbing shoes, dancing shoes … ya feel me?

Pastor Rick spoke last week about having the right shoes on your feet for your journey- I couldn’t agree more!  Why?  Because when it came down to running shoes, I learned my lesson the hard way!  Yesterday I took a ride downtown to Fleet Feet to have the experts fit me for my next pair of shoes.  WOW – I learned a lot about my own feet!  Long story short, I found that the shoes I had been running in had too high of an arch support for my feet, which was pushing me to run on my heels and the outsides of my feet.  I wasn’t landing properly at all (which obviously, cause a LOT of pain)!

So, I got a new pair of shoes that properly supports the little bitty arch that I have, and it feels so much better!  I ran a couple rounds at the store, and am excited to take them on my first run tomorrow after work!  I’ll be sure to give you a full report of the difference!  Just pray that I haven’t dropped too many miles in my week off!

Completely unrelated, I’m leaving you with a photo of one of my best friends.  Blake has been a great many things to me since he stumbled upon my doorstep two and a half years ago – loyal, hyper, and curious of everything!  But above all of those things – he is loving.  Blake carries so much love in his furry little legs, and never slacks at showing you how much you matter to him!  He’s always by my side, loves to run with me, loves to snuggle with me, and LOVES to sit on the couch and watch a movie with me!  He knows when I’m happy and when I’m sad – and when I’m sad, he’s right there, quick to comfort and quick to make me smile.  Dogs are special – they know so much about you without being able to speak to you.  They know when you are happy, when you are hurting, and when you are scared.  Blake is pretty much awesome.  Here’s a photo of him at Ocean Beach in San Francisco on Valentine’s Day.  He loves to explore new things, and loves the water!



Well, after heeding the wise advice of my bestie – Renee and good friend – Allison, to ask my coach about the pain that I was suffering in my leg … I have an answer as to why it stopped me painfully in my tracks!

I am very sad to say that I have been running with a stride that is too long … consequently, every time my foot hits the pavement, it’s actually only my heel hitting the pavement … my heel, and thus my leg bones (this is as technical as we get here people) are absorbing the shock and weight of my entire body and momentum … whereas, I should be landing directly on the balls and arch of my feet, as those parts were specifically designed (by God – because only he could actually think of those kinds of details) to take that kind of stress and pressure …

So, this means …

That I am slightly stronger emotionally than I thought (meaning, that I only welled up when coach Tony told me that this is REALLY bad, and I held my tears in until I got back to my car, and only thoroughly unleashed them when I got home and had to tell Nick).  It also means that I am not allowed to run for at least a week, I have to ice my calves twice a day, and be barefoot as much as possible (try not to laugh too hard while picturing me in the corporate setting that I work, needing to be barefooted – Sarah isn’t allowed to comment on this … ).

I digress … In about a week, if the pain has gone away, I can start to run again, but I have to make sure that my muscles are warm before running, and then I need to get new shoes, and basically relearn how to run, so that my gait is much shorter.  The issue with my shoes, on top of the fact that my gait is too long, is that my heel is elevated in my shoe (it has those, gel, shock absorbing-type things), which is effecting my arch’s ability to do it’s job properly.  So, I am VERY excited to say that I am probably going to buy my very own pair of Vibran FiveFingers … as soon as my REI dividend comes in … and hopefully that’s really soon!!!

I am really, really bummed that I am losing this week of running.  It is absolutely gorgeous outside now, and I wish that this would have happened back when it was raining, cold, and mucky all the time – when I didn’t want to be out there anyway!  But, as my mom and I joked a little bit today, this is God’s way of telling me that my plate was way too full this week!  I needed to have my attention pulled back over to my fundraising, which is also a large part of my efforts for Team In Training.  So, this week while I am directing my daylight hours to my fundraising, I will also be giving thanks to Him for making me take a break when I am only 8 miles into my training, instead of 18 …  THANKS!  I’ll be back in the game in a week!

That’s right!  I am up to 8 miles now!!!  WOOOO!!  I didn’t even see this coming … I know, I know – I signed up to train for, and complete a marathon, which means that I signed up to run 26.2 miles in one shot.  But, when you start training with the longest run you’ve ever done being 3.1 miles, you really don’t see 8 miles in the near future … but, I did it!!!  And next week I will be working toward 9, then 10, then 15, then 20, then 26.2!!!!!

Thanks to everyone for supporting me along the way!  This is only a minor break in training to rest up and get back in the game next week!  I’ll try my hardest to rest and follow the rules this week so that I can get right back to it!

I hope you enjoyed your weekend!


URGENT:: Oak Ridge Elementary School

Dear friends and family,
I haven’t yet had a chance to divulge just how much Oak Ridge Elementary School means to both my husband and I, but I will do so shortly.  I want to introduce you to more of our beliefs with Equal Start and Be Change in a new post soon, and share my experiences with my sweet sixth grader, Julieanna.  For today, as it is incredibly urgent, please take a moment to read this message from my good friend, Jason Haper.  Nick and I will be at the meeting Monday night (cameras in hand …) – if you can join us, I promise you – you will not regret it!
Thank you for taking the time to support the families of Oak Park, and the plight of our inner-city children.

So much love,

A message from Equal Start’s Jason Harper


Consider the inner-city child as your child. This injustice can’t be ignored. Recently, the Department of Education released a list of the lowest performing schools in California. None were surprised that Oak Ridge was on that list.

In 2005, “Low Performing” was the barometer that led former Sacramento City Board Member Rick Jennings to recommend Oak Ridge Elementary as a campus that needed additional community support. His confidence in selecting Oak Ridge Elementary was based, in part, on the new principal at the time, Steve Lewis.

For more than five years, we addressed the cause of systemic poverty and offered proactive and practical solutions for each of those hurdles. Though under-performing, each year scores began to rise gradually. There have been set backs and many hurdles. But in such a volatile community, such set backs have been teaching points for the community that resilience and tenacity are keys to a great education for their children.

Jonathan Raymond, the new Superintendent of Sacramento Unified School District, arrived in Sacramento for his new post at the beginning of this school year. Immediately, he began to see problems and strive for change. For that, we were encouraged. Today, we are concerned with the projected steps the Supt has arrived at.

Rather than identifying how a district has underperformed and under-served inner-city communities, five months into his tenure, his solution has two options for reform at Oak Ridge Elementary School. Both require Principal Steve Lewis to be fired.

This move will cause a social implosion in Oak Park, erode years of trust, and could possibly end the community partner’s ability to meet the continued needs of the Oak Ridge child and their families. We have come to far to not speak against this direction and pending decision.

Multiple community partners and organizations have merged efforts creating a unified collective. For more than five years, individuals and community partners made Oak Ridge Elementary the single priority of their efforts. More than 1.2 million dollars in valued resource, financial investments, services, tutoring, and student and family aid has been vested by these partners. Supt Raymond is calling for the drastic removal of Principal Steve Lewis’ influence, leadership, compassion and academic vision that brought these partners to the table.

The Superintendent does not think the approach at Oak Ridge Elementary is working and therefore is planning to take drastic steps to “reform the school.” Though we understand the Supt’s predicament, his steps are deemed by some, a knee-jerk reaction that deflects attention away from the heart of the real issue, a broken education system.

His district is enslaved by the power of a teacher’s union that shields low performing teachers. Principals are held bound through words like “tenure” and are unable to address crucial personnel circumstances. Though the majority of the Oak Ridge faculty is phenomenal, if only a few classes have suspect teachers who are low performing or in effective, the API scores that measure academic gain can dip enough to keep pulling the school backward instead of forward. Each year, 20-30 more students are infected by the un-removable teacher(s).

Though it is easy to wield power and demand better “test results” from a district office, it is not the most effective place to get a comprehensive look and a complete and accurate picture of each child’s plight through the inner-city and the hurdles they face in the pursuit of education. Community partners and Oak Ridge volunteers have locked arms with parents and are the ones walking the streets corralling students to tutoring clubs; in their homes supplying life’s basic staples, and are serving as mentors to them and their family everyday. Our perspective is accurate and in touch with the real time needs of the environment. Its impossible to see clearly from the confines of a district office and an annual five-minute campus walk. The problems, the prescription, and the possibilities will never be found looking through line items on an Excel spreadsheet.


“Raymond said that Oak Ridge Elementary has an API score of 649 – an increase from 629 in 2007. The school has increased its test scores over the last two years, but they are still in need of improvement.”

Does the Superintendent know in just six months in Sacramento what efforts it took to get those increased scores?

• Since 2005, vandalism and crime on the campus has plummeted allowing dollars to be spent on academic advancements rather than campus repair.

• Because of aggressive health care enrollment education beginning in 2008, access to health care for children jumped from 12% to 82% in a single year.

• On campus parent meetings that were once empty, now bustle with multi- culture representation.

• Because of community partnerships, Oak Ridge’s principal Steve Lewis and faculty were awarded the prestigious California Golden Bell Award. (Like an Oscar in Hollywood, most principals would dream to just be nominated)

• The Be Change Running Club, in it’s second full year, has morphed into a key relationship building tool and matrix to measure and increase student’s fitness and nutritional health.

• The California International Marathon and Fleet Feet Sacramento became influential leaders offering volunteers, resource, and fitness/nutritional programming with vision for a five school track league for Title-1 schools.

• United Advocates for Children and Families supplied grant funding and “train-the-trainer” development programming for on-campus parents and volunteers trained in early mental condition detection for children at-risk.

• Be Change was hailed a program needed on every campus by Mayor Kevin Johnson.

• Students who met marked academic gains and after-school goals were invited on a summer trip to University of Oregon to learn how academic and athletic focus can be tools to break the cycle of poverty.

• Equipped and empowered parents volunteer on campus in numerous rolls from campus monitors, librarian assistants, Site-Council volunteers, and community activist for better urban education options.

• To combat childhood hunger, every Oak Ridge student gets a bag of food every Friday to sustain them until Monday when they receive their next school meal.

• Despite budget cuts, teacher’s lay-offs, and access to less discretionary budget spending, Oak Ridge established itself as “the place to be.” Teacher turnover fell from 50% annually to only one teacher leaving in two years. Her family had to move out of state!

• Oak Ridge’s Equal Start program was distinguished as a leader among Sacramento area community activist and honored by Sacramento Unified in 2008 and 2009. It’s support for student, teachers, and families is at ZERO cost to the district and maintains it’s commit to have ZERO impact on instructional minutes.

• Excel Reading Tutors, early AM mentoring, and weekend student home visits, set unprecedented testing improvements in 2010 mid-year bench marks.

• Every child was given access to acute-care dental needs through Dr. John Bertsch DDS and Giving Smiles philanthropic organization.

• Every child was given access to vision screening and optometry care through Lens Crafter’s Gift of Sight.

• Student Leaders were selected and trained in business strategy, entrepreneurship, culinary skills, and promotional marketing in the restaurant creation program, Five-Star Dining with the Miracles and Milestones program.

• Parents are being taught job skills, resume building, and interview excellence in program addressing inner-city unemployment. These parents showed a marked increase in their child’s education process.

These socio-emotional, physical, and nutritional steps are a key component in making long-term academic strides. The whole child, not just their test scores must be considered in to the education equation. A child with an abscessed tooth, and incarcerated parent, and a home lacking basic sanitation or electricity create “conditions for learning” and have a direct impact on learning.

Oak Ridge continues to work hard and strive for increased academic progress, yet with a myopic perspective, DRASTIC changes have been set in motion.

THE SUPERINTENDENT’S two options both include, but are not limited to, firing Principal Steve Lewis who has been the conduit for all change at Oak Ridge and in Oak Park.

A Community Town Hall Meeting was called by Superintendent Raymond for Monday, March 22, at 6 PM at Oak Ridge Elementary School. This is a civil forum where Oak Ridge teachers, parents, and community partners can express their opposition to these two illogical options.

Your attendance and support will speak volumes that the children of Oak Ridge cannot be overlooked and the staff can’t be the escape goat. Oak Ridge’s children have been forgotten and overlooked when making this decision. Though it has been painted that such change is on behalf of Oak Ridge parents, a single parent cannot be found who has been consulted or called. Communication from the Supt’s media release stated that the vested partners will be part of the process, yet not a single response has been afforded to any of the Oak Ridge community partners numerous emails. Requests for meetings or even a simple call to clarify has been unanswered. Are we to think the only format for civility is a Community Town Hall Meeting?

Parents, community partners, and those who can attend must stand in and be the voice to the voiceless.

Many have desired to help Equal Start and Be Change but have not known how to help. With only a few days notice from the district of the date of the meeting, I am devastated to be contractually bound at an East Coast event. Yet despite my inability to be there, Equal Start directors, UACF, Orrick, Miracles and Milestones, and so many other community partners and parents will lock arms in solidarity and be a voice for a child on Monday night.

You can help us by helping them. Be in this meeting!

Your voice, your attendance, and your continued support is valued in the days ahead.

MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2010

4501 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95817

Thank you for your on-going influence in my life. Each of you are change-agents who have always shown an ability to bring bleak situations to a “tipping point” of hope. We will tip the culture in order to leave in better than we found it. We are committed to pressing on and moving forward. Though many of you are hundreds of miles away from Sacramento, remember us Monday.


Jason Harper

Map Link:;_ylt=Amgp8I1BJj1nrxCwN6k0WyGKNcIF;_ylv=3?viewtype=map

For these children, how can a single, archaic approach to edication be deemed valuable.

Be the voice of civility and reason by attending the COMMUNITY TOWNHALL MEETING at 6:00 PM, MONDAY, MAR 22


All good things must come to an end … right?  Like the feeling of running, and running, and running just after you’ve broken through your 5-mile threshold without wincing or feeling like you’ve run into a brick wall!  Well, my friends, that good thing didn’t necessarily come to an end … but it certainly came to a pause …  it’s time to rest and regenerate so that I can get back to feeling great!

Yesterday I mustered the strength through 6.5 miles of beautiful, spring, Sacramento weather.  It was absolutely gorgeous!  The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, kiddos were riding their bicycles, and a crazy lady was driving a bright red mini cooper convertible down the street of my favorite gated community mouthing: “RUN ON THE SIDEWALK,” and flailing her right arm wildly toward the sidewalk as she intentionally only gave me three feet between my weary legs and her car, until the last minute possible before she veered away … ahhhh what a beautiful run it was!  When I came home and told Nick about my fun run … we both mused at that lady … driving one of the smallest cars ever … on one of the widest roads in West Sac … and the fact that she clearly doesn’t know why runners run on the road and not the sidewalk … oh well.  I hope her evening got better …

Today though, was – difficult.  Only a mile into it, my right leg started to ache horribly each time I lifted it from the ground.  I was sad.  Today was even prettier than yesterday, and I really just wanted to do a few laps and enjoy it!  Oh well.  By mile 2, I was walking more than running, but I tried to pick up the pace at mile 3.  I only finished one lap through my usual spot, but completed 3.5 miles.  I tried … and then I walked home having mentally beaten myself up, and fought back a few tears (I think a few might have escaped though).  Nick helped me to the couch with a bag of plastic ice cubes shaped like martini glasses, lime wedges, and dragonflies … and about a half hour later I was back to hobbling around the house.

So, this marks my first need of an ice pack … I am sad to say that it feels early in the game for me, but maybe it’s right on track?  I am a little disappointed, but I am hoping that I can recoup the strength to do my scheduled 8 miles on Saturday.  Thank goodness that tomorrow is an “off” day!


Thanks again for all of the support in the last two months!  I may only be approaching the 8-mile-mark in my journey, but just two months ago, I couldn’t even get through 1 …  And I couldn’t have gotten through any if it weren’t for your help and your support (and your comments below)!  So I just want to say thank you for everything!!!



Knitting, Baking, and Training (Oh My!)

Wow, this week flew by!  That may have been the best part of it … no, I’m just kidding (right?)!!!

This was definitely not my best, nor my most productive week of running.  I think the gloomy, rainy weather had a lot to do with that …  The weather this week was overly inconvenient!  As in, it was mostly gorgeous during the day (while I was sitting in my cube, working away – sad that I couldn’t be playing outside) but then raining from about 3:30p on … And while we are being completely honest here – unless it’s somewhere between 60 and 80 degrees and the sun is shining, it’s mentally challenging to get outside and run.  There was pretty much only one day that fit that range (and it was yesterday).  But!  Wednesday proved to be a fun run, albeit tedious for me (long day at work, rained all day, only got up to about 53 degrees, and a million things running through my mind).  Renee was kind enough to lend me the trail near her apartment in Folsom, and the pleasure of her company for the evening (instead of ‘pleasure of her company,’ please read: ‘pleasure of her patience with my slowness’).  LOVE


My favorite part of this week was that I got to do two of my favorite things:: knit and make food.  The even better part:: none of my knitting projects were for myself, and I only ate some of the food …  : )


Part of my fundraising campaign is having a little snack bar at my cube.  Everything is homemade (ala moi), and very tasty (just ask my coworkers).  Monday through Thursday I had chocolate-dipped pretzels for sale at $1 per baggie, and then Friday I had purple cupcakes for sale at $2 each.  All in all – my lovely coworkers at WFIS pitched in and raised $80!!!  Woot!  Woot!  And for this coming week?  I am just about finished glazing 16 Lemon Scones that will probably be about $2 each.  I honestly anticipate these going fast – they look, and taste amazing (if I do say so myself)!!!!


This week I had the pleasure of starting and nearly finishing a felted business card sleeve for Nick.  He’s been patient with my knitting projects for everyone outside of our own home for the last two years, and his turn finally came in a small, but helpful accessory (maybe he was just waiting until I knew what I was doing???).  Once it is finished, he might post a photo on his 365 blog project (and if not, I will) …  You should check out our blog here:: Wilson Fotografie

I also started a knitting fundraising project of sorts.  It is still in the works, but essentially I am making small knitted pieces for sale.  Any and all money raised is going toward my fundraising efforts!  I love to knit – it has become the best hobby for me to unwind and spend some time with myself, just creating something (hopefully) beautiful.  It is a talent that I think God has planted within me, and I love to share that with the people around me.  It isn’t exactly a get-rich-quick-scheme, so anything that I sell for more than a hug, a thank you, and a smile is helping me to raise money for the marathon.  I’ll definitely be posting more information and any pieces that I will be making specifically for this project shortly, in case you are interested in placing an order.  I would love to hand-make something for you and know that it will not only be cherished by you, but that it will help the fight to save lives …


Sometimes I forget how verbose I can be … until I get to the end of my entry…  Then I worry that my high school English teachers could tear me apart for not following my 5-paragraph rule …  Just kidding (well, sort of).


Don’t forget to email me if you or someone you love is fighting, surviving, supporting, or grieving because of cancer.  I am continually collecting stories, prayers, and names to lift up and carry with me as I train and run the marathon on June 6.

I hope you enjoy what is left of your Sunday evening and the beginning of another, hopefully beautiful week!!!



We have reached over $500 already!!!!

I just want to take a minute to say THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to make a donation online, given me cash to donate, purchased snacks at work, or promised to donate as paychecks roll in!  I am so, so, so happy that you are a part of our efforts to raise awareness and money for research and patient care for Leukemia and Lymphoma patients!

It might sound daunting, but I am positive that we will be able to raise the remaining $3,000 before April 15!  There are several ways you can help and I will be publishing these as they come up.  For now, if you could just take two minutes to “share” my blog on your facebook, myspace, twitter, etc … I would so appreciate it!  Every person that reads this can and will make a difference – not just through donations but through moral support, prayers, well wishes, and kudos along the way! 

I truly appreciate you and your support along the way!!!  THANK YOU!!!!



A letter to my friends …

Blake and I just ran a little more than 3 miles this evening!  I wanted to share the letter that I am getting ready to send out to all of my friends, family, and extended friends and family.  I have copied it below.  If you can find it in your heart to share this letter with your closest friends and family, I would greatly appreciate it!!!  What we will be able to accomplish because of your kindness and generosity will be amazing!!!


Dear Friend,

Your kindness and friendship has meant so much to me and I would like to take a few moments to let you in on a project that is very important and close to my heart!  In October 2009, my dear friend, Annie, was diagnosed with Hodgekins Lymphoma.  She has just completed her regimen of chemotherapy and is currently undergoing radiation treatments.  Annie has been full of hope, love, and peace throughout her battle with cancer and continues to brighten her corner of the world through her blog: Living With Hope.  She has also been a monumental inspiration to everyone around her, including myself.  Annie is not only a phenomenal friend and mentor to me; she is also a beautiful and charmingly strong woman – an exceptional daughter, sister, niece, and wife – an amazingly talented wedding photographer, and a patient, loving, and kind mother to two of the most adorable children I have ever met – Emma and Noah.  I am so proud to have such a strong friend and role model in my life!!!

Annie and I practically live on opposite sides of the country.  Since I live in California, and she lives in Kentucky, it is impossible for me to visit with her regularly and support her as much as I would like to.  This is why I have joined The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training in honor of her.  I have promised to raise the awareness of blood cancers, and to raise money that will fund further research to find a cure for patients like Annie and many, many others battling cancer.

One day, we will find a cure.

But until that day comes, I will be running and raising money.  I have registered and begun my training to run the Rock ‘N Roll San Diego Marathon this year – and I need your help to accomplish my goals.  My biggest goal is to raise awareness of blood cancer to as many people as possible.  In doing that, it is my personal goal to raise $3,500 before April 1 to aid in research and patient care for those in need. If you visit my blog: Giving Back, you will find a link to my personal fundraising page for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training.  I encourage you to check it out, even if you are unable to or undecided on making a donation at this time.  Just think, if 35 people could donate $100 to the cause, we will have reached an amazing goal!  But please know that no donation is too small and that every donation is greatly appreciated!

You are making a difference in someone’s life.

I truly appreciate your time, and your consideration of my letter.  Below are two websites that I strongly encourage you to visit.  Follow my blog to keep up on my training and watch as the miles rack up!  Please also feel free to email or call me directly with any questions, comments, or encouraging words that you would like to pass along to Annie and I.  Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity.  I enjoy having you in my life to share in these moments, stories, and goals.

With much love,

Jimae SH Wilson


Annie’s blog; Living With Hope |

My training blog; Giving Back |


I would also like to invite anyone who is currently battling any cancer, is a survivor of cancer, supporting someone who is battling cancer, or grieving someone because of cancer, to email me.  I would love to hear your story or the story of your loved one!  As I mentioned a few blogs ago, I have a hospital bracelet that I will wear during the race in honor of Annie.  But let me run in honor of you or your loved one too! I picked up some purple ribbon at Micheal’s the other day so that I can write your or your loved one’s name on it.  Right before the big day, I’ll take all of these ribbons and decorate my hair band so that you or your loved one will be with me every step of the 26.2-mile-way!

Email me at:


Don’t forget!

The easy link to my TNT fundraising page is up to the left!  Or you can click here.


Wow!  I have been so sick for a whole week!!!  This has taken a short toll on my running, but no worries, I will be back in the game tomorrow!!!!

I wanted to let you know that I added a new link to the left of the page!  It is a direct link to my TNT fundraising page.  If you hover over the link, it will even give you a snapshot of what the page looks like!  Pretty cool!!!

Anyway, in order to even be able to run this marathon in June, I will need to raise $2,500.  I have faith in you, your friends and family, and in myself that we can raise more than this amount!

Pass this link on to your friends, family, coworkers, anyone and everyone you know that wants to help make a difference in people’s lives!!!

Thank you again for all of your support, kindness, and generosity!!!



Get Set …

Saturday was my first Team In Training workout with the Sacramento Team!  We met at Folsom City College to run/walk for half an hour.  The coordinators and coaches had marked out a route that was 3 miles long, but we were told to follow the route out 15 minutes then turn around and come back (15 minutes out + 15 minutes in = a lot harder than you think for a newbie).  One of my best friends (and my second biggest running supporter – only to Nick, but just by a hair), Renee, came with me and we ended up running about 2 1/2 of the 3 miles!  I think that’s about a 12 minute mile … which, I have to thank Renee for running at my snail pace and not getting frustrated …

After the workout we gathered together in a classroom to go over logistics, introduce ourselves, and gather our packet of essentials for the training months ahead (chapstick included – YES!!).  The packet included the training schedule for the next month (they’re really smart and only give you one month at a time, so you don’t freak out when you see a 20-mile run listed – right now the longest run listed is 3 miles – totally doable) along with a handbook full of nutrition information, injury prevention, directions to the team workouts, and more!  We also got our training shirt, which is a really nice, breathable short-sleeved tee that I just can’t wait to wear … when the weather gets warm enough!!!

My favorite part of the packet though, were the two smallest items (except the chapstick – that’s pretty small too).  One is my new purple Team In Training bracelet – you know, those awesome plastic bands that instantly tell passers-by that you are supporting a great cause … It says: Train Endure Achieve Matter (TEAM).  It means a lot to me and it’s what I’ll be wearing every day, clean or sweaty, until it falls off of my arm … The other one took a lot of thought for me.  Because it’s the personal piece of the packet.  When Nick and I went to the informational meeting a few weeks ago, part of the registration information was picking an honoree to run in support of … well, that obviously wasn’t the hard part!  ; )  When registering for an event, I get a hospital bracelet to wear on race day in honor/remembrance of my honoree.  The hard part, was trying to figure out what would be on this bracelet.  Unlike normal hospital bracelets, this one would say whatever I wanted it to because it was to be my extra push through all of those miles on the big day!  I stared at the box on the page for a few minutes while Nick asked one of the coaches some questions, but when he turned back to me, it was still blank.  So I started with “Annie”.  And then Nick suggested “Varland” to go with it.  But I didn’t like that one.  So I scratched it out.  And then I came up with something else, but I scratched that out too.  I was walking up to the counter to hand in my paperwork, resolved to just think of something and order my bracelet later … but in doing that I realized that I just wanted it to be simple, short, and sweet.  Sometimes saying just a little really says more than enough, so here is what I got in my packet …

For Annie, with love


